
Chrissy Sopurkh is a shapeshifter, emerging, dissolving and allowing in resonance with rhythmic cycles of the cosmos. She is passionately committed to sharing experiences that expand our capacity to feel together with the living world, explore emergent realities, and create space for the unknown, obscured and occluded . Class offerings are an innovative weave of yogic and cosmic insights, sound healing, and deep meditative experiences. Projects are collaborative opportunities for creating sanctuary beyond boundaries through conversations, deep inquiry, ceremony, trust and compassion.

Her fluid energetics seeks space for movement and evocation, for the emancipation of erotic power, for communing and creating with the whole Earth Family, for deep rest and falling apart, for un/learning and rewilding, for psychic liberation, and for centralizing love and care for all and in all ways.

Chrissy Sopurkh is mother to Isis and partner to Dawna. The three live in original Kizh Nation (also called Long Beach, CA) where they have created two thriving raw food restaurants, Under the Sun Cafe and Rainbow Juices. She is also the initiating creative force with many projects including All Night Gong, Oracle Gong, WomxnsWalk, Sirena Serpentina Fire Bellydance, and Moon School / Moon Drop - an astrological stream of cosmic intel.


Proudly wearing AUMNI created by her sister, Heather Turner. Photo by the amazing Kell Riches Photography